TOMATO SEED cold oil 100% Pure Natural
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Introducing our bestselling beauty secret: Organic Cold-Pressed Tomato Seed Oil, straight from the sun-drenched fields of rural India. This golden elixir is a game-changer for your skin and hair, and here's why:

Natural Radiance: Our Tomato Seed Oil boasts a delightful, tangy aroma that instantly transports you to a lush tomato garden. Its vibrant red-orange hue comes from a powerhouse of carotenoid antioxidants, including Lycopene, Lutein, and Zeaxanthin, which infuse your skin with a radiant glow.

Skin's Best Friend: Packed with an abundance of fatty acids, vitamins, nutrients, and phytosterols, this oil is like a spa day for your skin. Omega-6 Linoleic Acid, in particular, works wonders in calming inflammation, making it an ideal cleanser for sensitive skin and a potent ally in the fight against acne.

After-Sun Soothe: When the sun takes its toll, Tomato Seed Oil comes to the rescue. It's a fantastic addition to after-sun products, soothing your skin and minimizing the effects of sunburn. Say goodbye to redness and discomfort!

Hair Revival: Bid adieu to dandruff and hello to luscious locks. Tomato Seed Oil hydrates your scalp, banishing flakes and promoting soft, shiny hair that's resilient against breakage. Plus, it stimulates collagen production, working its magic to rejuvenate your skin and keep you looking youthful.

Unveil your skin's natural beauty with our Organic Cold-Pressed Tomato Seed Oil. Discover the secret to youthful, glowing skin and hair, all bottled up and ready for you. Elevate your beauty routine today!

38,00 € 38.0 EUR 38,00 €

38,00 €

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